About DHH
The conference “Digital Humanities and Heritage” is intended to provide a bridge between scientists and experts in the humanities, especially digital humanities, and professionals in the fields of library and information science, archival studies and museum cultural resource management. Its purpose is to promote the use of digital technology within heritage and humanities research as both a methodology and a tool in all domains of Heritage, Humanities and Social sciences.
The aim of this conference is to bring together stakeholders dealing with heritage and its digital transformation.
In the frame of this event, topics such as Digital Humanities & Open Science, Cultural Heritage in Digital Environment, Digital Methods and Tools, Information Organization for the Digital Humanities, and Digital Infrastructures will be discussed.
The invited presenters and keynote speakers are top experts in the field of digital humanities: Susan Schreibman, a prominent digital humanist and professor of digital art and culture from the University of Maastricht, and Toma Tasovac, one of the directors of the DARIAH-EU consortium and manager of the Center for Digital Humanities in Belgrade.