Pre-Conference workshops DHH2023
9:00 – 12:00 Workshop 1
Building and managing thesauri for the (Digital) Arts and Humanities. Processes, needs and challenges
- Workshop Leaders: Helen Goulis, Drahomira Cupar
The workshop focuses on the construction and management of thesauri for knowledge organisation in the arts and humanities providing concrete workflows, enhancing the cross-disciplinary resource discovery and the adoption of a concept-centric approach and ontology-driven analysis for thesauri/controlled vocabularies modelling. It is structured as a step-by-step methodological guide to tackle issues/challenges common to modelers and arts/humanities researchers across scholarly communities such as:
- dealing with heterogeneous pools of data
- lack of concrete and consistent classification systems which enable modeling decisions
- interoperability of thesauri covering specific scientific domains and areas of knowledge
- empowerment of searching capabilities/retrieval of results in a semantic network
- sustainable and manageable expansion of existing thesauri into new areas of knowledge (scalability)
Apart from elaborating the conceptual framework of the Backbone Thesaurus model for semantic interoperability of thesauri developed by the DARIAH Τhesaurus Maintenance Working Group and aligned thesauri/vocabularies, during the hands-on workshop terminology samples kindly provided by the participants will be processed.
During the workshop, the Croatian collaborative platform for building thesauri, supported by the DARIAH-HR, will be presented. At the end of the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to insert their examples into the platform or send their vocabularies to be uploaded into the platform afterwards.
13:00 – 16:00 Workshop 2
Putting your Social Sciences and Humanities resources in the SSH Open Marketplace: How to valorize and share a research tools and processes
- Workshop Leader: Edward J. Gray
The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Marketplace (SSH Open Marketplace) - - is a discovery portal which pools and contextualizes resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows. The SSH Open Marketplace showcases solutions and research practices for every step of the research data life cycle. In doing so, it facilitates discoverability and findability of research services and products that are essential to enable sharing and re-use of workflows and methodologies.
The SSH Open Marketplace, developed during the Horizon 2020 Project SSHOC, is maintained by three ERICS: DARIAH, CLARIN, and CESSDA.. It is, indeed, a real strategic priority for DARIAH, as it is the home for DARIAH’s national contributions (including those of Croatia!), and the Marketplace API is used to feed the DARIAH Tools & Services Catalogue (
This last category, workflows, is of particular interest. Workflows are an ideal way to share one’s research resources, and harness the power of the SSH Open Marketplace to contextualize tools and services with publications, datasets, and training resources, thus presenting a research activity from A to Z in an easy to follow and reproducible way. This workshop aims at supporting researchers interested in creating a workflow in the SSH Open Marketplace, to share best practices methods with the community.
Following a brief presentation of what the SSH Open Marketplace is and how it works, participants will be supported by members of the Editorial Board of this discovery portal to write and document their research scenarios, based on the tools and research methods that they use in their daily practice. This workshop will present to the DHH2023 Community what the SSH Open Marketplace is, how to use it, and guide users in the process of uploading their resources into the Marketplace.
13:00 – 16:00 Workshop 3
TaDiRAH (Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities) in Croatian and Serbian
- Workshop leaders: Drahomira Cupar, Toma Tasovac, Luise Borek
TaDiRAH (Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities) is a scheme of classification designed to organize and categorize DH content. Currently in Version 2.0, it is a community-driven initiative, which benefits from contributions and parallel development in multiple languages. The aim of this workshop is twofold: 1) to introduce participants to TaDiRAH itself by highlighting the importance and real-life applicability of conceptual classification schemes for structuring content; and 2) to explore the particular challenges of translating this conceptual vocabulary into Croatian and Serbian.
First part of the workshop (Introduction) will be held in English and in hybrid format, and the second part in Croatian and Serbian.
The Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities (TaDiRAH) is a classification system originally developed as a transatlantic initiative for indexing Digital Humanities (DH) research practices before 2014 (TaDiRAH 2016). It has evolved with valuable input from the DH community, enhancing its taxonomy by defining DH research concepts and providing translations. TaDiRAH's main aim is to classify DH research content practically, improving transparency, findability, and reusability of resources. This is especially beneficial for content in marginalized languages, given its availability in seven languages. The TaDiRAH SKOS core vocabulary application (TaDiRAH 2020a) facilitates cross-disciplinary collaboration. TaDiRAH also serves as a cornerstone for interdisciplinary competence development. The NFDI provides a platform for various disciplines to exchange ideas, network, and collaborate, fostering consensus on topics like training, education, metadata, infrastructure, and ELSA (Ethics, Legal, Social Aspects). Consortia across resource types, such as texts, identify common interests in analytical methods and research questions, as evidenced by joint conferences and workshops. The now ten-year history of TaDiRAH development is currently evident in the growing recognition and reports of diverse experiences with TaDiRAH, thus strengthening the user community immensely. As a result, TaDiRAH now also has a mailing list and a Zenodo community group to promote networking and the expansion of the community through collaborations.