DARIAH-HR International Conferences
Agiatis Benardou

Agiatis Benardou

Agiatis Benardou is Director of DARIAH-EU. She is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Informatics at Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and a Senior Researcher at the Digital Curation Unit, ATHENA R.C. She has held posts as a Research Associate at the Departments of Information Science and Critical Studies at the University of Glasgow. Agiatis Bernardou holds a PhD in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology from King’s College London and has served as a Teaching Fellow in Digital Curation at the Department of Media and Culture, Panteion University. She is currently coordinating the MSc core course on Applications of Digital Methods in the Humanities at the Department of Informatics, AUEB. She has carried out extensive research as a coordinator, WPL and team member in the context of various Greek, EU and International DH initiatives.

CV updated on 2023-10-16.

Alphabetical list of all participants in DHH conferences