Barbara Lovrinić Higgins
Barbara Lovrinić Higgins is a Research Assistant at the Department for Culture and Communication at IRMO and a PhD candidate at the Cultural and Media Management Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. She holds a Postgraduate Degree in Diplomacy and International Relations (2019), a master’s degree in French Language and Literature, and Museology and Heritage Management (2013) from the University of Zagreb. Her experience in cultural research is related to the issues of cultural policies, cultural memory and digitisation of cultural heritage, which is the topic of her doctoral thesis. She provided analytical and written output contributions regarding issues of cultural and digital policies through her diverse EU projects participation (Horizon project SoPHIA 2020-2021; Jean Monnet projects CULPOL, 2016 – 2018; and EULEAD, 2018 –2019).
CV updated on 2023-10-16.