Grigor Boykov
Grigor Boykov earned his PhD in Ottoman History from Bilkent University in 2013 and currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna within the Institute for East European History (IOG). Before this appointment, he was a researcher at the Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies (IHB) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and taught at the University of Sofia and the Central European University in Budapest. Dr Boykov’s research endeavours to synthesize traditional historiographical methodologies with cutting-edge Digital Humanities techniques, including spatial and network analysis. His body of published work encompasses a spectrum of interrelated subjects that include the historical population geography of the Ottoman Balkans, the development of urban morphology in the Balkans under Ottoman rule, architectural patronage and prosopography of early Muslim elites’ households in the Balkans, and the role and importance of Islamic pious endowments (evkaf) and Christian monastic possessions in establishing and consolidating of Ottoman ruling order in the Balkans.
CV updated on 2023-10-16.