Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho
Ph.D. in History (2006), University of Lleida and Master in European Project Design (2018) at Venice International University. Senior researcher with a Tenure Track position at Contemporary History Department at University of Granada. Digital Humanities, Digital Culture and Citizen Science specialist with main focus on crowdsourcing projects, current history and migration studies. Currently, L. Bocanegra is PI of three ongoing research projects: Co-History - Analysis of Public Participation in Historical Research from the perspective of Citizen Science (, funded by the Junta de Andalucía (FEDER); Crowdsourcing in History. New participatory and inclusive methodological challenges in historical research in Spain, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN); and e-xiliad@s Project (e-xiliad@s), funded twice by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Immigration. Since 2015, Lidia is responsible for the Digital Humanities area through the Medialab UGR (Laboratory of Research in Culture and Digital Society) at the University of Granada; she is also an expert evaluator for the European Commission, through the Research Executive Agency (2015, 2020).
Lidia has carried out research stays in Italy, Argentina (PhD Grants), Ireland, Cuba and Colombia (postdoctoral grants). During her postdoctoral period, she researched and worked (2007-2012) at ICT multinationals companies in Cork-Ireland (Trend Micro, VoxPro Group/Google); whose technological expertise she adapted and applied, by way of knowledge transfer, to HD research projects. In 2020, Lidia has been awarded with the prize for the Best participation/presence in social media with the project e-xiliad@s, through the prestigious Association of Hispanic Digital Humanities (2020); she was also awarded by the Best Poster: Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital Humanities research in Spain by the DARIAH Annual Event 2020: Scholarly Primitives. L. Bocanegra is the author, co-author and editor of about forty scientific publications, the vast majority in high-impact publications and scientific journals.
CV updated on 2021-10-11.