Salvador Ros Muñoz
Salvador Ros is Director of the Laboratory of Innovation on Digital Humanities at UNED (Spanish Distance University), POSTDATA ERC, Starting Grant Technical PI at UNED and Module Convenor of Module V, devoted to innovation and technology in border security, and the European Master in Strategic Border Management. Salvador Ros has been Director of Learning Technologies at UNED for six years and Vice Dean of Technologies at the Computer Science School for six years. He has received the Extraordinary Doctoral Award at UNED for his PhD dissertation and two special best paper awards as well. He is an expert in strategic management and innovation in the public sector. He graduated in the Leadership Program for Public Sector Management from the IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra, in Strategic University Senior Management from the Universidad de Nebrija y Politecnica de Barcelona, and in the Leadership Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector from the Deusto Business School, Universidad de Deusto.
He is a senior member of the IEEE Education Society since 2007. His research and professional activity, in general, is focused on enhanced learning technologies for distance learning scenarios and learning analytics, big data, and AI applied to science and humanities. He is also a strategic consultant for the public sector.
CV updated on 2021-10-11.