Šime Smolić
Šime Smolić is associate professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) where he obtained his PhD in 2012. He has been the country team leader of the SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) (The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE): Home) study in Croatia since 2014 for the 4th consecutive wave, and a representative of the FEB – Scientific Partner Institution – in SHARE-ERIC. He has also been a researcher for the project Health, Cultural, and Biological Determinants of Longevity: Anthropological Perspective on Survival in Very Old Age (HeCuBa) from 2018. Since November 2020, he has been leading the work package ‘Quality of healthcare’ in the Horizon2020 project ‘Non-intended health, economic and social effects of the Covid-19 epidemic control decisions: lessons from SHARE (SHARE-COVID19)` He has published more than twenty papers in peer-reviewed journals, and more than ten papers in conferences. His major research interests are health economics, economics of ageing, health economy and survey analysis. His teaching includes several courses: health economics, macroeconomics, economics of education and Croatian economy. He has been awarded for his teaching excellence in three academic years within the English taught undergraduate study programme at the FEB. During his career, he worked on several major projects: consultant –survey specialist for the World Bank survey on SMEs in Croatia (2018-2019), analysts in the project “Demographic atlas of Croatian medical doctors” (2017, 2019, Croatian Medical Doctors Chamber), In-depth analysis of the state budget expenditures of the Republic of Croatia – chair of the “Health care system analysis” working group (2015, Croatian Ministry of finance and World Bank); contributor to the “National Health Care Strategy 2012-2020” (2012, Croatian Ministry of Health). He is a reviewer for many international scientific journals, and a member of EAST (Central and Eastern European Ageing Societies) and ESRA (European Survey Research Organization). He speaks fluent English and Italian.
CV updated on 2021-10-11.