DARIAH-HR International Conferences
Stefania Savva

Stefania Savva

Dr Stefania Savva is the Director of Research and Development at SYNTHESIS. She holds a PhD in Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies from the University of Leicester, UK (2016), with a focus on developing student-generated virtual museums for innovative museum-school partnerships to support diversity and multiliteracies-based pedagogy for the 21st century. Following on from her undergraduate studies in Primary Education in Greece, she completed an MA in Art, Craft and Design Education in London in 2009, investigating art education curriculum for social change and inclusion. Her interdisciplinary research background informs her approach to issues related to social innovation, social entrepreneurship, design thinking, cultural heritage, inclusive education, and technology-enhanced learning. Stefania Savva was awarded and completed a postdoctoral fellowship co-funded by the EU and the Research Foundation in Cyprus, to investigate sustainable and inclusive museum-school partnerships through a novel digital infrastructure. She has held several presentations at international conferences, receiving Scholar Grants, and her work is featured in academic peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. At the moment, she is actively involved in the preparation and coordination of several European Consortia, to pursue funding under the Erasmus+ and HORIZON EUROPE programme. She is also a published creative writing author and painter.

CV updated on 2023-10-16.

Alphabetical list of all participants in DHH conferences