DARIAH-HR International Conferences
Benedikt Perak

Benedikt Perak

Benedikt Perak is a PhD philologist, corpus linguist, and data scientist serving as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka. He teaches courses in linguistics, digital humanities, and data science. His core research revolves around the application of digital humanities methods, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence in social interaction and the creation of digital assistants. He leads the Center for Language Research, the Laboratory for Research of Cultural Complexity, and a Laboratory within the University Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security. His significant projects include EmoCNet, which focuses on the linguistic expression of emotions; FRAMNAT, which delves into political rituals and cultural memory; and FORMALS, which explores formal reasoning and semantics. He has been pivotal in digitizing cultural heritage, including the works of Ivan Matetić Ronjgov platform. Perak has numerous papers published in revered journals and frequently speaks at conferences. His comprehensive list of works can be accessed at https://www.croris.hr/osobe/profil/29998.

CV updated on 2023-10-16.

Alphabetical list of all participants in DHH conferences