Edward J. Gray
Edward J. Gray is the Research Infrastructure Coordinator at the IR* Huma-Num (CNRS) and the Officer for National Coordination at DARIAH ERIC, the European Research Infrastructure for the Digital Arts and Humanities. He is currently on the Editorial Board for the SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery platform for digital humanities tools and services born from the SSHOC Project. He earned his doctorate in history from Purdue University, where his dissertation, “The Marillac: Family Strategy, Religion, and Diplomacy in the Making of the French State during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,” examined how familial politics impacted the formation of the early modern French state. His dissertation research has been funded by a bourse Chateaubriand from the French Embassy in the United States, a Vincentian Studies Institute Grant from DePaul University, and a Purdue Research Foundation Grant from Purdue University. While a doctorant invité at the École nationale des chartes in Paris, he earned a master’s degree in Technologies numériques appliquées à l’histoire (TNAH), where he is also chargé de cours. He is also president of the ADEMEC, the Association des diplömé.es et étudiant.es et des Masters de l’Ecole des chartes. Before working at Huma-Num, Edward was the Digital Humanities Coordinator at the Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société in Lille. In addition to early modern religion and politics and the digital humanities, he is also interested in interrogating the periodization of the “medieval” and “early modern” and exploring global approaches to early modern history. He received an MA in History from Purdue University in 2015 and a BA from the University of Alabama in 2013.
CV updated on 2023-10-16.