DARIAH-HR International Conferences
Jelena Glišović

Jelena Glišović

Jelena Glišović, MA LIS, library adviser, has been employed since 2010 in the National Library of Serbia in the Special Collections Department.

From 2012, she is the Head of the Cartographic Collection, where she deals with collection management and cooperation with institutions, providing professional assistance to the librarians in Serbia, research and publishing research results in domestic and foreign scientific and professional periodicals and holding lectures and presentations in Serbia and abroad.

She is an active member of several commissions at the International Cartographic Association which represents research on the cartographic heritage of Serbia and participates in event organization.

Since 2010, she has participated regularly, with presentations, at national, regional and international conferences. She is the recipient of grants for the participation of young experts for the first time at the 84th IFLA Congress (2018) and the 28th International Cartographic Congress (2017).

In 2015, she coordinated the work of the Commission for the Development of Categorization Criteria for Cartographic Publications as a Cultural Asset of Great and Exceptional Importance.

In 2017, she organised the „Recognize and map heritage program - cultural orienteering on the plateau”, with which National Library of Serbia participated in the Days of Europe Heritage.

In 2017, she was the president of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference Of Special Collections Departments of the National Library of Serbia.

In the period 2016–2019 she was the President of the Branch of the National Library of Serbia in the Serbian Library Association. Since 2019, she has been an active member of the SLA Section for Digital Transformation of libraries. During the period 2016-2018, 2022-2023 participated in the work of the Organizational Committees of the SLA annual conferences.

Since 2022, she has been performing the duties of Manager for project administration and communication of the Creative Europe project - Time travel routes through Europe (E-ROUTES) coordinated by SLAs, where she manages administration and communication with project partners, other entities and the public.

In 2023, she was elected president of the SLA and since then performs leadership tasks, creating programs and activities with work priorities such as decentralization of association work, international cooperation, professional support, improvement and capacity building of librarians and protection of integrity and status profession.

CV updated on 2024-09-15.

Alphabetical list of all participants in DHH conferences