Katarina Matkerić
Katarina Matkerić (b. 1995, Zagreb) has finished her master's degree in history education at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, in 2019. The same year, she started her master's in sociology education, ethnology and cultural anthropology at the same Faculty, which she completed in 2021. Since then, she has worked as a teacher in a few schools, volunteered at the Museum of Ivanić-Grad as a museum curator and museum educationalist, and was the leader and author of numerous interactive workshops for children in the cultural heritage field. In 2022, she became the secretary of the Friends of Heritage Association, through which she was included in an international project. She worked on projects involving documentation, digitization, and interpretation. Also, she has led a few qualitative research projects centered on semi-structured interviews.
CV updated on 2024-08-29.