DARIAH-HR International Conferences
Laura Bontemps

Laura Bontemps

Laura Bontemps is a PhD candidate at Héritage/s (UMR9022) and Map-maacc (URM MAP Ensa) specializing in archeology of conservation. Conservator for cultural heritage, her works are mainly situated on the archeological field. Her PhD research focuses on the use of archives photographs from the temples of Karnak in a digital environment. She develops protocols of use in specific softwares applications (photogrammetry, orthophotography, mosaicking, ai enhanced recolorization…) in order to extract and analyze historical information. This aims at completing the historic narative of conservation for monuments from Karnak compared to photogrammetry of their current state.

CV updated on 2024-08-29.

Alphabetical list of all participants in DHH conferences