Maria Baramova
Maria Baramova is an Associate Professor in Modern Balkan History at the Department of History of Byzantine and Balkan Studies at the Faculty of History of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Her research interests and publications are related to the history of Habsburg-Ottoman relations, geopolitics, environmental history, military history, and the history of peace treaties in the Early Modern period. From 2011 to 2012, she was a research fellow at the Leibniz-Institute for European History, Mainz. Maria Baramova has also specialized in Vienna, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, and Wolfenbüttel. Since 2009, she has been a member of the Bulgarian Society for 18 th Century Studies and, since 2016 – vice secretary of the Society for 18th Century Studies on Southeastern Europe. For her work as an author on the history of Southeastern Europe in the pre-modern era, Maria Baramova received the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities Rudolf Meimberg-Prize of Excellence for 2021.
CV updated on 2024-08-29.