Marianne Ping Huang
Marianne Ping Huang is an Associate Professor at the School for Communication and Culture, Aarhus University (AU), with research and innovation interests in cultural creative collaborations, creative industry partnerships, and digital cultures. MPH has vast experience in instigating projects with national/international research and education partners as well as with cultural organisations, and public and private partners.
She was the academic officer for Aarhus University with Aarhus2017 European Capital of Culture and worked with Region Greater Denmark’s creative industries hub more.creative, Creative Ring Europe, and Filmby Aarhus to enhance digital innovation in capacity building for creativity. With Aarhus2017 and Aarhus University, she instigated the 2017Academy, a cooperative for creativity in urban transition, industry, and learning.
MPH served until 2022 in the ESFRI ERIC, DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities) as coordinator for the DARIAH Nordic Hub and Co-Head of DARIAH Research and Education.
MPH has broad experience in strategic funding for research, innovation, and higher education with the cultural and creative sectors, nationally and internationally: The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship, The Danish Innovation Foundation, and NordForsk. Interreg. Creative Europe, Erasmus+, and Horizon Europe. She collaborates with national business clusters for design and CREATECH, with PACT for Skills, and with the European Cultural and Creative Sectors-organisations.
CV updated on 2022-10-06.