DARIAH-HR International Conferences
Stephan Kurz

Stephan Kurz

Stephan Kurz studied German, Journalism and Communication Sciences in Vienna and Konstanz. He managed a retro-digitisation project (EoD) for the Vienna University Library and was subsequently a Pre-doc Assistant at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Vienna. In 2014, he received his PhD in modern German literature with a dissertation on the genre and media history of the epistolary novel between 1750 and 1810. From 2014 to 2018, he was an OeAD Lecturer at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. He has experience in book retail and production (proofreading, typesetting, editing), and is continuing to improve his XML skills. Since 2018, he has been responsible for the IHB’s digital scholarly editions: retro digitization and workflow conversion of the Edition der Ministerratsprotokolle Österreichs und der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, which now uses TEI-based single-source hybrid publishing for generation of both the web and print media. Since 2020, he has been the technical editor of Digitale Edition von Quellen zur habsburgisch-osmanischen Diplomatie 1500–1918 (QhoD).

CV updated on 2023-10-16.

Alphabetical list of all participants in DHH conferences