DARIAH-HR International Conferences
Sunčana Franić

Sunčana Franić

Sunčana Franić is an associate and research assistant at the Department for Culture and Communication, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) in Zagreb, Croatia. She holds a double master's degree from the University of Zagreb (2019) in French Language, Translation and Literature, as well as Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Humanities. As a part of IRMO team, she participated and assisted IRMO team in EU projects in which Department members have been involved (e.g. the Jean Monnet project “CULPOL”, INTERREG Europe’s project “KEEP ON”, the H2020 project “SoPHIA - Social Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment” ). Currently Sunčana is a team member on the Horizon Europe project “Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Film Industry in Small European Markets – CRESCINE”. Her articles have been published in journals and conference proceedings in Croatia and the EU.

CV updated on 2024-09-15.

Alphabetical list of all participants in DHH conferences